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For the concept design of the startup's first physical space, the architects were asked to design a space that could accommodate different work scenarios in a small space, such as concentrating alone, holding a formal meeting or brainstorming in an inclusive environment...


pi office

For the concept design of the startup's first physical space, the architects were asked to design a space that could accommodate different work scenarios in a small space, such as concentrating alone, holding a formal meeting or brainstorming in an inclusive environment...


k Eczanesi

K Eczanesi tasarlanırken de sağlık mekanlarının alışılmış hijyenik beyazının ötesinde bir hisse varmak amaçlandı. Tasarım "wellness" konsepti üzerinden kuruldu. İyi olma, iyi hissetme hali ve kendi iyiliğine yatırım yapma motivasyonu üzerinden gidilen tasarımda daha samimi, yumuşak ve doğal formlar, renkler ve dokular kullanıldı...

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